What is your position at HCS??
Middle School Principal
What do you love most about HCS??
The ability to have cake and eat it too…… Strong Biblical foundation and excellent academics
What is one word that best describes the school? Tell us why you chose that word.
Heart – I believe that heart is at the center of every thing people do and and the heart of what we do here at HCS
How do you integrate faith and your job at HCS??
Pointing everything back to the heart of Jesus. Through His example- we offer grace, mercy and compassion to the families in our care.
What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your position at HCS??
Sense of humor and insight into the middle schooler and my passion to create a positive experience for all students in spite of what some may consider a hindrance.
What sets HCS students apart from other students?
High level of academics and investment in our program.